Christopher W

Importance of Friendship

      ”In this essay Iwill talk abot friendship”.   A friend is somebody who cares about you.He will call you and sometimes tells you secrets.A friend is somebody who plays with you.  A friend is the only one who tells you if he had a bad day.A friend is  somebody who cares about you.

I have afriend named Antoine.  He always calls me on weekends.  When ever we play we play football,Hockey,Basketball,Soccer.In summer we always go in his pool.  In winter we always play video games for thirty minutes and go play outside for two hours.

Once in a book, there was a baby hippo.This hippo had lost hisfamily.His river was flooded.  People were triying to save him.  Sondly a person saved him.  His name was Owen.  So they  called the baby Owen.  They sent Owen to a zoo where animals  could meet other animals.  Owen  met a  one hundred and thirty year old tortoise.  In one or two days they bekame friends.

A  friend  important because if you diden’t have a friend people will probaly make fun of you.This is my essay,on the Importance of friendship.

3 responses to “Christopher W

  1. Christopher

    great job me Im really cool :by christopher

  2. Vanessa Souvlos

    Good job Christopher!!

  3. Jack Hickman

    good job christopher!!

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